The Federal Centre for Arts Education, founded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, operates all over Austria for all school types and is located at the University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria. The Centre focuses on giving impulses in the field of arts education by "train-the-trainer" education and multiplier workshops in all school subjects, concentrating on arts subjects. The Centre is in charge of organising networks of experts in the fields of arts education, i.e. visual arts, music, drama and material arts. The networks consist of teachers from all fields of education from all parts of Austria. The discourse in the networks deals with the promotion and development of arts education in schools. The Centre promotes cooperation and networking between institutions of professional development of teachers. The Centre collects and spreads information on training courses, publications, competitions and other offers for schools that are relevant for arts education in free monthly newsletters. |
Bundeszentrum für schulische Kulturarbeit
Kaiser Franz-Ring 11
A-2500 Baden bei Wien
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